Hourglass Manifesto 2024

We believe a Safer Ageing Society is possible by 2050 in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.


Every year, over two and a half million people in the UK are affected by the physical, emotional, economic, or sexual abuse and neglect of older women and men.

Hourglass, the UK's sole charity entirely focused on confronting this epidemic of harm, abuse, and neglect inflicted upon older people, believes it is time we built a Safer Ageing Society. We need to shape a new approach that prioritises the safety and security of older people, free from abuse, especially as the number of older people continues to climb. But this is no overnight project. We need support, understanding and, importantly, parity.


manifesto coverThe Hourglass Manifesto

The Hourglass Manifesto outlines the overarching measures which Hourglass believes the governments should adopt in order to create a Safer Ageing Society by 2050.

Click here to read







hourglass OATH



Take The OATH. Join Hourglass by adding your name to the growing list of people who are committed to seeing a Safer Ageing Society in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales by 2050.

The OATH is a pledge you make to fight against the abuse, harm, exploitation and neglect of older people, to demand parity for older victim-survivors and to build a society where older people are able to age safely, have access to necessary services, can trust their caregivers and surroundings, and have equal opportunities and recognition in society, akin to other age groups.

Signatories can work together to create a Safer Ageing Society by 2050 where older people can age safely and with dignity, free from abuse and exploitation.

Click here to take the OATH